Luciano Rota, born in 1935, began his studies at the Artigianelli school in Brescia, where new young people were trained - children of the 2nd war - teaching them manual skills and introducing them to the world of work.
After completing his studies and obtaining his diploma, Luciano became passionate about weapons, approaching the magical world of construction.
During the economic boom, Luciano expands his borders abroad exporting to many countries considerable quantities of shotguns per year." After initially concentrating exclusively on the wooden part of the shotguns, thanks to his passion and his interest in firearms Luciano founded his firearms production business in 1957 with the precious collaboration of his wife Fausti Maria, also the daughter of gunsmiths.
Initially it built shotguns of a certain value, such as side-by-side shotguns, and then moved on to more commercial and accessible shotguns, given the needs of the market of that time based mainly on the mass production of shotguns.
During the economic boom, Luciano expanded his borders abroad by exporting large quantities of shotguns per year to many countries.

Only in the following years and with the birth of the new R.F.M. led by his son-in-law Maurizio Bertolassi, supported by his wife Sissi and his sister-in-law Katia (daughters by Luciano and Maria) the production is refined, becoming more niche and specializes in complete gun customization, offering every single customer the dream of every lover of hunting and shooting "the construction of the made-to-measure weapon", just like a tailor sews a suit for his client.
Maurizio owes his great experience to his father, an expert gunner, and to his personal training which began at the very young age of 14, in a large gun company and subsequently refined on his own.
Maurizio voluntarily wanted to keep the original tradition started by Luciano based on craftsmanship, where the hand of expert gunsmiths leaves its mark.

Today R.F.M. Armi is also supported by Alessia and Damiano - daughter and son-in-law of Maurizio and Sissi and by the entire R.F.M. Team made up of persons who, in addition to being highly specialized in their various skills, are an integral part of the RFM family
To enlarge this family there are also our fantastic Testimonials (Andrea, Andrea, Fabrizio, Simone, Stefano, Renato, ...), who with their passion and their knowledgements carry the R.F.M. Brand high. with immense pride of the company itself.